The Power of Pinterest Marketing for Small Businesses

By Lauren Trujillo | August 23, 2022

#DidYouKnow that as of 2022, 433 million users are sharing and seeking inspiration on Pinterest per month!? An engaged audience of this size with real purchasing power is a BIG deal, especially for small businesses. 

That leads us to the question – are you getting the most out of your Pinterest marketing strategy? If not, we’ve got you covered with this “All You Need to Know” guide. Let's get started!


Pinterest is a Powerful Search Engine

Pinterest stands apart from the competition because it isn’t just a social network – it is a powerful and dynamic visual search engine! Anyone who goes on Pinterest can discover your content at any time, giving it a much longer shelf-life than on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Once businesses stop viewing it as just a social channel and begin seeing it as a search engine – their results will likely go from subpar to superb! Doing so means optimizing your Pinterest marketing strategy for views and saves rather than likes and comments. 

The Shelf-Life of Your Pins

Let’s dive a bit deeper into the shelf-life of your content. As mentioned above, views and saves will be your friend on a platform like Pinterest vs. analytics such as likes and comments. In fact, when you first create a pin, chances are you won’t be flooded with a ton of likes and comments (no matter how good your content is!). Instead, your pins will be discovered through searches over time! 

This strategy may not give you the instant gratification that an Instagram post may have, but it does mean that a single pin can still drive your brand awareness for years to come! 

*Pro-tip: Create and save content consistently to bump up your long-term brand awareness! 

Pinterest Demographics

Knowing Pinterest demographics can also give your small biz a leg up over the competition. Why? Because, as a visual search engine, Pinterest has buying power! 

And women (the majority of Pinterest’s audience) do too. According to Pinterest, the platform reaches over 75% of all women ages 25-55 in the United States. As the global income of women climbs to trillions of dollars, it’s expected that women will control 75% or more of discretionary spending by 2028.  

Another statistic from Pinterest: over 80% of active users check Pinterest when considering purchasing products or services.

When it’s all said and done, Pinterest gives you the power to target users who have both spending power and are motivated to buy!

Ways to Up level Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy

So we’ve discussed the whys behind Pinterest being a powerful marketing tool, but you’re likely curious about the hows. After all, none of the above means much without understanding and utilizing innovative Pinterest marketing strategies. Check out a few of our top tips below: 

  1. Become a verified merchant! Getting your business verified on Pinterest not only confirms your legitimacy, but also increases your sales and helps pinners discover and shop your brand! It will also allow you to connect your catalog of products and provide a broader range of analytic tools.

  2. Make sure your content is tailored and branded to your audience. It goes without saying that one of the most important aspects of any small business is having a clear understanding of your branding, your audience, and how to connect with them through your marketing. The clearer you are with all of these aspects in your pins, the greater likelihood that people you’re targeting will save your content to their own Pinterest boards and purchase your products!

  3. Utilize rich pins! Rich pins are a great way to add detail to your pins and encourage higher clickthrough rates. The four types you can use are “Product,” “App,” “Article,” and “Recipe.” Product pins allow shoppers to see prices, availability, and information on where to purchase all on one screen!

  4. Create video pins! In this TikTok-driven era, video content is currently thriving across all social platforms. Pinterest is no exception! Video is engaging and a perfect option for showcasing your product or service in action!


Sound good? We think so too, and we hope you have a newfound understanding of how powerful Pinterest can be for your small business! With a successful marketing strategy, you will undoubtedly build an engaged audience that adores your brand and purchases your stuff! 

Now, let’s get pinning!


Lauren Trujillo

Lauren is a Social Media Content Creator at AMR Digital. When she’s not curating awesome content for her clients, she can be found scoping out Denver’s best cocktails and cheeseboards, taking care of her succulents, traveling to new cities, and pursuing a plethora of other creative passions!